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How To Find The Best Space To Get Ready On Your Wedding Day!

Updated: Jan 1

Hey beauties! Happy #weddingwednesday! I've been wanting to share this basic information for awhile now!

Whether you are getting ready at a home, hotel, or AirBnB, make sure you take the time to do some research on different places! Don't be afraid to look at multiple options, and have a few backups. You'd rather be safe than sorry on your wedding day!

Here's a few things you should consider when finding a space to get ready on your wedding day with your crew:

1. Size

Size matters for this one, beauties! If you have a large party, you'll want more room to fit everyone! Remember that myself and your hairstylist will take up quite a bit of room with our setups.

Boston Wedding Makeup Setup!
Photo courtesy of Allie Dowd

2. Convenience & Access

This one depends on the location of your ceremony and reception! Don't be afraid to ask your venue for recommendations of spaces you can get ready in if they do not offer an area.

If your venue offers a space to get ready in, take a look at it! See how large it is. Pay attention to the number of electrical outlets in the room. Don't be afraid to test the outlets-- plug in your phone charger in a couple to make sure they are working properly! Are there enough tables and chairs in the space? If not, will your venue provide these things?

If you have to get ready off-site, consider the distance and travelling time it will take to get to your venue. Is it an easy drive? Will you have to book a ride-sharing service? How easily can you do something like this? Will this factor add on more time to your travel time? (This will affect your getting ready schedule.)

Boston Wedding Makeup!
Mary and her crew! Photo courtesy of Whiting Photography

3. Parking

Does the space have access to parking? A parking lot? Street Parking? Is parking free or are there fees? Try your best to find a space that can accommodate at least 4 parking spots. Why 4? You have to get to the space somehow! Myself and your hair stylist will be travelling to you in separate cars. There's 3 spots filled already! Your crew may need to park, too!

4. Food & Drink

This is probably the LAST THING on your mind for your wedding day, beauties, but it is actually pretty important. Can you bring outside food & drink to this space? Are they provided? If you have to bring your own food and drink, will someone have to pick up these items? Or can you have them delivered?

Cheers to Boston Wedding Makeup!
Cheers! Photo courtesy of Michelle Miale Photography

These are just a few things to consider when looking for a space to get ready on your wedding day! Of course there are a number of things to consider, but this basic guide should really help you make your decision!

Beauties, I know that wedding planning is stressful! There are so many things you have to think about! I am here to help you! Even with little things like finding a place to get ready.

Later! <3 Carla

UPDATE AS OF 2025: We are no longer offering wedding makeup at Creative Contour By Carla, LLC. Thank you to all of our lovely brides who trusted us with their beautiful canvases on their wedding days. If you are interested in other makeup services, please book your complimentary phone consultation here.



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